LADC 2019
9th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing
19-21 November 2019
Natal/RN, Brazil - IMD/UFRN
RegistrationLADC is the major Latin-American event on computer system dependability. The LADC 2019 program will present technical sessions, workshops, tutorials, fast abstracts, keynote talks from international experts in the area and an industrial track. The symposium scope includes recent research results on software and system dependability.
The Symposium is promoted by the CE-TF - Special Committee on Fault Tolerant Systems of the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society).
LADC'2019 will be held in Brazil at the beautiful city of Natal/RN from November 19 to 21, and will take place at the Instituto Metróplole Digital (IMD) premises of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This year's novelty is that the IX Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) will be co-located with LADC from November 19 to 22, 2019.