Jorge Luiz Machado da Silva (UNICAMP - Brazil), Marcio Assis (UNICAMP - Brazil), Alexandre Braga (UNICAMP - Brazil), Regina Moraes (UNICAMP - Brazil)
11h20 - 11h40 BLOCKHOUSE : Blockchain-based distributed storehouse system"Doriane Perard (ISAE-SUPAERO - France), Lucas Gicquel (Edokial - France), Jérôme Lacan (ISAE-SUPAERO - France)
11h40 - 12h Inviolable Presence Registration of Mobile Entities in the ContextNet Middleware"Matheus Leal (PUC-Rio - Brazil), Flávia Pisani (PUC-Rio - Brazil), Markus Endler (PUC-Rio - Brazil)
Maykon Chagas (UNOESC - Brazil), Jucélio Silva (UNIVALI - Brazil), Daniel Adriano (UNIVALI - Brazil), Michelle Wangham (UNIVALI - Brazil)
14h25 - 14h50 Squad: A Secure, Simple Storage Service for SGX-based Microservices (full paper) – 25 minMatteus Silva (UFCG - Brazil), Fábio Silva (UFCG - Brazil), Andrey Brito (UFCG - Brazil)
14h50 - 15h15 NFV-RBCast: Enabling the Network to Offer Reliable and Ordered Broadcast Services (full paper) ) – 25 minGiovanni Venâncio (UFPR - Brazil), Rogério Turchetti (UFSM - Brazil), Elias Duarte Jr. (UFPR - Brazil)
15h15 - 15h40 A Comprehensive Evaluation of Webpage Content Features for Detecting Malicious Websites (full paper) – 25 minJohn McGahagan (University of Maryland - USA), Darshan Bhansali (University of Maryland - USA), Ciro Pinto-Coelho (Universty of Maryland - USA), Michel Cukier (University of Maryland - USA)
15h40 - 16h05 Implementation, Verification and Validation of a Safe and Secure Communication Protocol for the Railway Domain (PER) – 25 minDuccio Bertieri (University of Florence - Italy), Tommaso Zoppi (University of Florence - Italy), Innocenzo Mungiello (RFI - Rete Ferroviaria Italiana - Italy), Andrea Ceccarelli (Università degli Studi di Firenze - Italy), Andrea Bondavalli (university of Firenze - Italy)
José D'Abruzzo Pereira (University of Coimbra - Portugal), João Campos (University of Coimbra - Portugal), Marco Vieira (University of Coimbra - Portugal)
09h - 09h30 Performability Analysis of a Tramway System with Virtual Tags and Local Positioning (full paper) – 30 minLeandro Silva (UFAL - Brazil), Diamantea Mongelli (Resiltech S.R.L. - Italy), Paolo Lollini (University of Firenze - Italy), Andrea Bondavalli (university of Firenze - Italy), Gianluca Mandò (Thales Italia SpA - Italy)
09h30 - 10h Combining State and Interface -Based Robustness Testing for OpenStack Components (full paper) – 30 minWallace Felipe Cardoso (UNICAMP - Brazil), Eliane Martins (UNICAMP - Brazil), Nuno Laranjeiro (University of Coimbra - Portugal), Nuno Antunes (University of Coimbra - Portugal)
10h - 10h30 Survivability in optical networks: a solution for the wavelength continuity constraint case (full paper) - 30 minNIcolas Jara (Universidad Santa María - Chile), Hermann Pempelfort (Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María - Chile), Gerardo Rubino (Inria - France), Reinaldo Vallejos (Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María - Chile)
André Martin (TU Dresden - Germany), Andrey Brito (UFCG - Brazil), Christof Fetzer (TU Dresden - Germany)
14h25 - 15h50 Resource Utilization Analysis of Early Scheduling in Parallel State Machine Replication (full paper) – 25 minEliã de Lima Batista (PUCRS - Brazil), Eduardo Alchieri (UnB - Brazil), Fernando Dotti (PUCRS - Brazil), Fernando Pedone (University of Lugano - Switzerland)
14h50 - 15h15 IaaS Cloud Availability Planning using Models and Genetic Algorithms (full paper) – 25 minMatheus D'Eça Torquato de Melo (IFAL - Brazil), Lucas Torquato (IFAL - Brazil), Paulo Maciel (UFPE - Brazil), Marco Vieira (University of Coimbra - Portugal)
15h15 - 15h40 Analysing dependability and performance of a real-world Elastic Search application (full paper) – 25 minMalika Bendechache (Dublin City University - Ireland), Patricia Endo (UFPE - Brazil), Ivanovitch Silva (UFRN - Brazil), Guto Leoni Santos (UFPE - Brazil), Luiz Guedes (UFRN - Brazil), Sergej Svorobej (Dublin City University - Ireland), James Byrne (Dublin City University - Ireland), Theo Lynn (Dublin City University - Ireland)
15h40 - 16h05 Improving data availability in HDFS though replica balancing (PER) – 25 minRhauani Fazul (UFSM - Brazil), Patricia Pitthan Barcelos (UFSM - Brazil), Paulo Vinicius Cardoso (UFSM - Brazil)
Lucas Pacheco (UFPA - Brazil), Iago Medeiros (UFPA - Brazil), Hugo Santos (UFPA - Brazil), Helder Oliveira (UFPA - Brazil), Denis Rosário (UFPA - Brazil), Eduardo Cerqueira (UFPA - UFPA - Brazil), Augusto Neto (UFRN - Brazil)
16h55 - 17h20 A dependability evaluation for OBD-II Edge Devices: an Internet of Intelligent Vehicles perspective (full paper) – 25 minGabriel Signoretti (UFRN - Brazil), Marianne Silva (UFRN - Brazil), Jordy Araujo (UFRN - Brazil), Ivanovitch Silva (UFRN - Brazil), Diego Silva (UFRN - Brazil), Paolo Ferrari (University of Brescia - Italy), Emiliano Sisinni (University of Brescia - Italy)
17h20 - 17h45 Implementation of a Dependable Smart Device in IoT Era (PER) – 25 minDiego Silva (UFRN, Brazil), Marcelo Nogueira (UFRN - Brazil), Marconi Rodrigues (UFRN - Brazil), Ivanovitch Silva (UFRN - Brazil), Paolo Ferrari (University of Brescia - Italy), Emiliano Sisinni (University of Brescia - Italy)
Lucas Nathan Barbosa de Oliveira and Felipe Jhonas Meller (Itaipu Technology Park)
Abstract: As enterprises and governments are having a growing number of devices being connected to the Internet, their attack surface also grows proportionally, therefore opening more opportunities for cybercriminals. Those new devices require new mechanisms for process and analyze information flows and security events, as well as to manage incidents for a much larger number of devices with increased amounts of information and speed of information flows. However when the subject is cybersecurity in information and automation network, it is not enough to configure everything according to security guidelines, it is also required to know what is going through the net. The Elastic Stack provides ways to accomplish this task, furthermore, it's distributed, lightweight, scalable and open-source, meaning a customizable tool but also with a steep learning curve. In this talk, we'll present the challenges and the experience we had on building a log aggregation system, and the challenges to come for the improvement of this solution.
Xerxes Slaghenaufi (UFSM-BR), Rodrigo Pincolini Amaral (UFSM-BR), and Raul Ceretta Nunes (UFSM-BR)
Nuno Laranjeiro (UC, PT), Camilo Gomez( Universidad de los Andes, CO), Enrico Schiavone ( ResilTech S.R.L, IT), Leonardo Montecchi (UNICAMP, BR), Manoel J. M. Carvalho (INPE, BR), Paolo Lollini (UNIFI, IT) and Zoltán Micskei ( Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU)
08h50 - 09h10 ATMOSPHERE: Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient cloud computingAndrey Brito (UFCG, BR), Francisco Brasileiro (UFCG, BR), Ignacio Blanquer (UPV, ES), Altigran Silva (UFAM BR), André Carvalho (UFAM, BR)
09h10 - 09h30 End-to-end Security in the IoT Computing Continuum: Perspectives in the SWAMP ProjectJoão H. Kleinschmidt (UFABC, BR), Carlos Kamienski (UFABC, BR), Ronaldo C. Prati (UFABC, BR), Kari Kolehmainen (VTT, FI), Cristiano Aguzzi (University of Bologna, IT)
Leylane Ferreira (UFPE, BR), Elisson da Silva Rochay (UPE, BR), Kayo Henrique C. Monteiroy (UPE, BR), Guto Leoni Santos (UFPE, BR), Francisco Airton Silva (UFPI, BR), Judith Kelner (UFPE, BR), Djamel Sadok (UFPE, BR), Carmelo J. A. Bastos Filho (UPE, BR), Pierangelo Rosati (DCU, IRL), Theo Lynnx (DCU, IRL), Patricia Takako Endo (UPE, BR / DCU, IRL)
09h50 - 10h10 STAMP-based Approach to Analyze Safety, Security and Data PrivacyNivio Paula de Souza (ITA, BR ), Cecília de Azevedo Castro César (ITA, BR), Juliana de Melo Bezerra (ITA, BR), Celso Massaki Hirata (ITA, BR)
10h10 - 10h30: Student Forum Paper Securing Confidential Documents in BYOD DevicesHerath H.M.S.N., Karunarathna A.M.S.S., Sampath D.M.C., Peramunugama K.P., Abeywardena K.Y.